World History: Societies of the Past

by Kahn, Charles

In World History: Societies of the Past, students explore societies of the past and see the influences and impact history has on their lives today. The textbook provides students with an easy-to-understand and in-depth look at human societies--from early hunters-gatherers to ancient societies to the beginnings of modern-day societies (1850 CE). A chronological approach explores social, environmental, political, economic, cultural, and technological issues that remain relevant in today's world.To help your students visualize historical situations and events, the textbook includes:hundreds of vibrant illustrations and historical artwork detailed maps, diagrams, and charts informative timelines questions, summaries, and quick facts stories of everyday people Recommended by Manitoba Education, Citizenship and Youth as a Manitoba Grade 7 Social Studies Learning Resource.recommended for British Columbia grade 7 classrooms

More Information

ISBN ISBN 13 9781553790457
ISBN 10 1553790456
Edition HC
Publisher PORTA
Published Date 01/05
Page Count 358
Language en

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