PH Biology 2008

by Miller

Prentice Hall Biology utilizes a student-friendly approach that provides a powerful framework for connecting the key concepts of biology. New BIG IDEAs help all students focus on the most important concepts. Students explore concepts through engaging narrative, frequent use of analogies, familiar examples, and clear and instructional graphics. Now, with Success Tracker(tm) online, teachers can choose from a variety of diagnostic and benchmark tests to gauge student comprehension. Targeted remediation is available too! Whether using the text alone or in tandem with exceptional ancillaries and technology, teachers can meet the needs of every student at every learning level. With unparalleled reading support, resources to reach every student, and a proven research-based approach, authors Kenneth Miller and Joseph Levine continue to set the standard. Prentice Hall Biology delivers: Clear, accessible writing Up-to-date content A student friendly approach A powerful framework for connecting key concepts

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ISBN ISBN 13 9780132013499
ISBN 10 0132013495
Edition HC
Publisher PEARS
Published Date 01/07
Page Count 1146
Language en

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