Business Technology Today

by Janice Lynn Ellerby, Laura Elizabeth Pinto, Kara L. Hiltz

Business Technology Today provides an introduction to Information and Communication Technology while also providing the foundation upon which to build your Business program. Your students will learn the necessary theoretical background to understand ICT, and build upon that theory with practical assignments and application-based exercises designed to develop ICT skills. Business Technology Today also illustrates how ICT is used in a variety of business-related professions and how ICT links to senior level business courses, providing you with an excellent opportunity to get your students interested in business and keep them in Business Studies. Key Features: Includes practical instruction on web design, graphic design, desktop publishing, and multimedia presentations, as well as word processing, spreadsheets, database software, and more Provides support for literacy with Literacy Toolbox features throughout the student text, as well as Word Walls for each chapter Investigate IT feature includes case studies encouraging students to investigate ethical issues related to ICT such as biometric security, file sharing, government regulation of the internet, and plagiarism Get on IT chapter project allows students to create and update an electronic portfolio containing a collection of their work samples from throughout the course

More Information

ISBN ISBN 13 9780176335458
ISBN 10 0176335455
Publisher NELSO
Published Date 01/08
Page Count 378
Language en

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