Spelling Workout F (Grade 6)

by Trocki, Phillip K

Your child will have to write in his or her daily life both in college and beyond, so being able to spell with proficiency is very important. While giving your child a strong Spelling foundation may seem like a serious matter, the actual instruction you provide can be fun and engaging. In fact, it should be! The Modern Curriculum Press (MCP) Spelling Workout is a homeschool program designed to be highly engaging by requiring active participation. Instead of simply reading and memorizing words, your child will learn how to predict Spelling patterns with the help of some hands-on activities. The MCP Spelling Workout curriculum for homeschooling includes riddles, puzzles, writing prompts and crossââ,¬âe¹-curricular reading assignments that make Spelling an exciting subject. By the time your child reaches Grade 8, which is the final installment in the MCP Spelling Workout program, he or she will be ready to take on more complex information. During MCP Spelling Workout: Grade 8, he or she will grasp the English language rules that will help him or her predict patterns in Spelling. For instance, your child will know that "i" comes before "e," except after "c." Additionally, your child will solidify his or her foundational Spelling knowledge while gleaning new age-appropriate Spelling concepts. MCP Spelling Workout: Grade 8 is a dynamic program, allowing you to set the pace of your child's homeschooling progress. Feel free to go back and review challenging concepts or push forward through the ones your child seems to understand easily. MCP Spelling Workout was designed to be used in conjunction with the appropriate level of MCP Plaid Phonics. This second program is a Spelling curriculum that approaches the English language through sound. With MCP Spelling Workout and Plaid Phonics on hand, you'll be able to provide your child with a well-rounded Spelling education. Even without MCP Plaid Phonics, you will construct engaging and thoughtful lessons. The materials included in MCP Spelling Workout: Grade 8 will help you do so. For more information on the materials included in Grade 8, visit the Features and Benefits page.

More Information

ISBN ISBN 13 9780765224859
ISBN 10 0765224852
Edition TP
Publisher PEARS
Published Date 01/02
Page Count 192
Language en

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