Oxford Canadian School Atlas 7/E

by Stanford, Quentin (Cosa)

The Canadian Oxford School Atlas, 7th. edition includes 30 pages of the most recent statistics for plotting and graphing and for reference. The Canadian maps are improve3d and updated and represent eachprovince and territory in Canada. There are also over 50 maps featuring various regions and features of the world, including physical, land use, population, climate, and communication maps for each continent. New to the Canadian Oxford School Atlas, 7th. edition: Latitude and longitude are more clearly explained; Physical map of Canada is more clearly presented; Political map of Canada included; New maps include, ecozones fishing map with detail on ecozones, trade patterns map with clearly presented information, full page map showing Aboriginal groups, territorial evolution map showing 8 different time periods, exploration maps from various parts of Canada, Canadian physical maps arranged from west to east, completely revised and individual North and South American maps, time zone maps on inside front and back covers, 'earth in space' map showing earth's position in the universe

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ISBN ISBN 13 9780195413090
ISBN 10 0195413091
Edition 7
Publisher OXFOR
Published Date 01/98
Page Count 220
Language en

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