Act of Writing 6/E

by Conrad

Conrad: The Act of Writing, 6th edition, new edition has a double focus:continuity and exploration.The best of what readers have liked so far is conserved; then new initiatives reach ahead toward renewal. Of the 50 selections in the book, you will find thirty per cent to be new. The newness of this edition lies in the selection of writers which we have assembled from all over Canada.This text offers flexibility and encourages individualization. The combination of three to nine essays per chapter, with more identified in cross-references, yields ample choice and flexibility. Instructors can individualize their classes by choosing readings that best suit the needs and interests of their particular class. This book also offers a range of difficulty, from essays that are easily accessible to almost all students to others that are, frankly, challenging.

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ISBN ISBN 13 9780070890558
ISBN 10 0070890552
Edition 6E
Publisher MGRAW
Published Date 01/03
Page Count 356
Language en

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