Earth Science and the Environment

by Thompson, Graham R

1. Earth Systems. Unit I: EARTH MATERIALS AND TIME. 2. Minerals. 3. Rocks. 4. Geologic Time: A Story in the Rocks. 5. Geologic Resources. Unit II: INTERNAL PROCESSES. 6. The Active Earth: Plate Tectonics. 7. Earthquakes and the Earth's Structure. 8. Volcanoes and Plutons. 9. Mountains. Unit III: SURFACE PROCESSES. 10. Weathering, Soil, and Erosion. 11. Fresh Water: Streams, Lakes, Ground Water, and Wetlands. 12. Water Resources. 13. Glaciers and Ice Ages. 14. Deserts and Wind. Unit IV: THE OCEANS. 15. Ocean Basins. 16. Oceans and Coastlines. Unit V: THE ATMOSPHERE. 17. The Atmosphere. 18. Energy Balance in the Atmosphere. 19. Moisture, Clouds, and Weather. 20. Climate. 21. Climate Change. Unit VI: ASTRONOMY. 22. Motions in the Heavens. 23. Planets and their Moons. 24. Stars, Space, and Galaxies.

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ISBN ISBN 13 9780534393137
ISBN 10 0534393136
Edition 3
Publisher BROOK
Published Date 03/04
Page Count 688
Language en

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