Canadian Entrepreneurship & Small Busmgm

by Balderson

The Balderson text has positioned itself as a dominant player.This text is a solid product that presents strong Canadian coverage of the theory of entrepreneurship and small business managementin a logical chapter by chapter approach which allows instructors to cover those chapters relevant to their course outlines. It has an appropriate reading level and a clear structure.Highlights include a newChapter 9 - Small Business and Electronic Commerce, new CBC video cases, an attractive price and value, 2-colour interior, an end oftext glossary that is now searchable on the OLC, plus margin glossary notes, a web site that will direct students to relevant information, and an improved instructor's package, including a CTB.

More Information

ISBN ISBN 13 9780070894273
ISBN 10 0070894272
Edition 5
Publisher MCGRA
Published Date 01/02
Page Count 489
Language en

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