Nelson Science Perspectives 9: Student T
Best Value Bundle: Each Student Text purchase includes online access to the Student eBook EXTRA. Nelson Science Perspectives 9 offers a variety of features that engage, motivate, and stimulate student curiosity while providing appropriate rigour suitable for Grade 9 academic students. Student interest and attention will be captured through a powerful blend of engaging content, impactful visuals, and the dynamic use of cutting-edge technology. Instructors will be able to create a dynamic learning environment through the use of the program's comprehensive array of multimedia tools for teaching and learning. This visually engaging student resource includes: * Newly written content developed for students in an age-appropriate and accessible language * Real-world connections to science, technology, society, and the environment (STSE) that make the content relevant to students * 100% match to the Ontario 2009 revised science curriculum * A variety of short hands-on activities and more in-depth lab investigations * Skills Handbook that provides support for the development of skills and processes of science, safety, and communication of science terms *Hardcover
$25.79 - $92.83
Supplementary Material
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