Obentoo Level 3 TR Pack

by Fisher, Anne

The Obentoo 1 Teacher Resource File contains illustrated vocabulary flashcards and word flashcards for each unit, supplementary material (speaking activities, script practice, cultural activities, game boards), extra stroke order practice, and overhead transparencies that contain the manga-style cartoons from each unit. Speaking activities contain pairwork tasks (from Unit 3 onwards) and role-plays. Included are assessment materials for each unit covering listening, oral interaction, reading and writing skills, and solutions. The complete Teacher Notes for this level are also included within this Teacher Resource File. Obentoo is an innovative, three-stage course for junior and senior high school learners that offers an exciting, culturally based approach to study of the Japanese language. Its clear, colorful layout allows for a lively presentation of Japanese language and culture. Each stage of the course consists of a Student Book, a Workbook, audio material and teacher support material.

More Information

ISBN ISBN 13 9780170090162
ISBN 10 0170090167
Edition TR
Publisher CHENG
Published Date 01/01
Page Count 320
Language en

Supplementary Material

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