Gore’s NEW Physics 11+12 Sourcebooks NOW Available

Gordon Gore’s newest sourcebook, will be available this August. This is aligned with the new 2018 curriculum.

  • Key Features of Physics 11

    Compact Labratory BasedLifeSciences_11_Cover_CMYK (1)
    240 pages, 12 chapters
    Similar to classic Gore Physics books
    Concentrates on physics in the new curriculum
    Detailed CD based Teacher Resource Manual *

    *The Teacher Resource Manual CD will be provided free to teachers who purchase a class set of the book. This resource will also be sold separately for those who do not require a class set.

    Teacher Resource Manual CD

    Contains keys for numerical problems
    Sample test items
    Keys to sample test items
    A brief guide to Investigations
    Two Appendix chapters: Motion in two dimensions (from Gore Physics 12) and Simple Machines (from Gore Practical Physics)

    View the table of contents

About Gordon Gore:

Gore worked as a physics teacher at a local school, in Kamloops B.C., for decades and produced a series of textbooks that many physics students in B.C. came into contact with. His legacy also involves the launch of the Kamloops Big Little Science Centre. The Centre helps visitors develop a passion for science through camps, experimental stations, clubs and travelling exhibits.

Gore has been recognized for his leadership and dedication to science promotion, both inside an outside the classroom. Gordon Gore has received a 2011 Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) Award for Science Promotion.

Contact Us today to get a FREE quote for the new source book!