Educational Support During COVID-19 Updates

An update to our valued customers,

To schools, instructors, students, tutors, and individuals, we are here to support you. We are working hard at providing solutions throughout this uncertain environment. As customer service has always been our top priority, we want to assist you in any way possible.

We have taken the following steps in being able to provide you with the resources you need:

– We continue to remain open, abiding by the social distancing standards set by health professionals. We have staff working from home and are able to answer our phones and email to continue to serve you!

Below are some updates that we have made available during this rapidly changing time:
-We now have digital editions of Prior’s Life Sciences 11 and Anatomy & Physiology 12, Gore’s Physics 11 and 12, as well as Hebden’s Chemistry 11 and 12 available! Contact us, or your sales rep for more information.
-New page for Parents, Students and Tutors available. Click here to view.
-We are still open for business, taking all the necessary precautions advised by the health professionals.

Please contact us with any specific questions that you may have. We are happy to work with you to provide solutions.

Thank you for supporting our family-run business for all these years. We wish you, and your community, good health.

The Western Campus Team