Pearson Social Studies by Cranny (FRENCH) French Versions of the popular line of Social Studies textbooks grades 8 through 11. Used primarily in BC and Saskatchewan. Books In This Series Horizons, L'emergence De L'identite Cana by Daniel Bélanger, Michael William Cranny ISBN10 2765031967 / ISBN13 9782765031963 Contrastes: Debats Et Enjeux Canadiens by Michael William Cranny, Garvin Moles, Helen-Mary Coates ISBN10 2765031975 / ISBN13 9782765031970 Les Sentiers De La Civilizations 2nd Ed by Cranny, Michael ISBN10 2765037566 / ISBN13 9782765037569 Les Sentiers De La Civilisation by Cranny ISBN10 2893108849 / ISBN13 9782893108841 A La Croisee Des Chemins (Crossroads) by Cranny ISBN10 2893108857 / ISBN13 9782893108858 Le Canada: La Pousse Vers L'ouest by ISBN10 2893108865 / ISBN13 9782893108865