Browse Poetry Titles Western Campus stocks hundreds of current and older Poetry textbooks that are available to purchase in varying used conditions. Reset Search Search All Subjects Found 39 Matching TitlesThese books titles match your search 1234 Sights and Sounds by Woollatt ISBN10 0770510043 / ISBN13 9780770510046 Poetry and Language by Kellow ISBN10 0075486202 / ISBN13 9780075486206 Inside Poetry 1/E by Kirkland, Davies ISBN10 0774712244 / ISBN13 9780774712248 Poetry Alive: Transitions by Liffiton ISBN10 0773050264 / ISBN13 9780773050266 Horizons: Exploring Poetry,Prose,Non-Fic by Roy ISBN10 0774714069 / ISBN13 9780774714068 Poetry Express - Mini Anthology 7 by Barry ISBN10 0176039384 / ISBN13 9780176039387 Reflections on a Gift of Watermelon Pick by Dunning ISBN10 0673294234 / ISBN13 9780673294234 Discovering Poetry by Guth ISBN10 0132219875 / ISBN13 9780132219877 Inside Poetry 2/E by Davies ISBN10 0774715138 / ISBN13 9780774715133 Prism of Poetry by Cameron ISBN10 0134353307 / ISBN13 9780134353302 Forms of Poetry by Abbs ISBN10 0521371600 / ISBN13 9780521371605 Through the Open Window by Paustian, Shirley I ISBN10 0195404122 / ISBN13 9780195404128 1234